A way to express your voice

Samar Elmizari
2 min readDec 3, 2020


With the fast pace of ongoing development, a huge number of people started to shift their domains to the digital platforms, especially during the covid-19 era, and one domain that was significantly affected is media. Many want to enter the world of blogging and start sharing their ideas or experiences with other users, but the difficulty of owning a site and creating a blog stands an obstacle to this step. However, in some cases, it is no longer necessary for a journalist or blogger to have a website or personal blog in order to be able to publish his/ her writings. Moreover, the Medium size is a large blog open to journalists and writers, and anyone can log in and blog on it, free of charge, and share a story or experience gone through. The scope of this sharing is expanding, as it is not only limited to your friends and relatives. According to the “Growth machine website,” professional journalists and citizen journalists can use the Medium platform to blog about their stories, and the reports they are working on in a different way show the background of that story.
It also allows for the use of images that the user chooses between them, that can serve the story and express it, in addition, it also allows people to share their own images they took with their lenses. What is special about this is that it is a free blogging platform that supports the Arabic language, and there is a large amount of content on various topics, and it can be searched through the search feature on the home page.
It is good to see that there is a freeway for all journalists and writers to share their voice in several ways through one specific blog and to give them some exposure that will benefit their career.

